Cant believe i forgot to talk about my new companion. well first of all, shes white!!! hermana wonnacott. ya basically nobody even tries to say our names haha poor things. but its awesome!! shes from California too. shes got 14 months in her mission and her and i will shortly be returning to byu-idaho. by the way, theres like 6 sister missionaries here in my mission that were up at byu idaho the same time as me and i had never seen any of them before haha. new roommates? yes.
Anyway, shes awesome and im so glad that she is here because we have SO much work to do. and now we are trying to move closer to our area and really get things in order!!!
Rosario was baptized! he was super stoked and he just wants to keep learning.
Cool experience. Gaby came to church with us with Angel. she was so scared she told us, she was 90% wanting to stay home, but she DID it, she left the house and they came to church. and guess what, they stayed all 3 hours!!! and angel was quiet throughout the sacrament!! and she stayed with him in primary for both hours, and she told us after that she was terrified, because everywhere she takes him, people make fun of him or judge him, and she didnt want to be an inconvenience for anyone.
She even said that the primary kids learned about the plates and how Joseph Smith discovered them and that was one of her biggest questions haha so they answered it right there!! and everyone was sooo helpful the whole time. she took him out during the first hour cuz he started to get antsy, and like 4 members followed her out to find a way to help her. so great. and she said she felt at home. we are planning her baptism for this month, but she is still scared because she has had so many let downs in her life. she works full time, studies on the weekends, and comes home every afternoon to take care of her son every second having to keep a close eye on him. but how great. really just another example of how we are a very small part of this work.
ALSO cool stuff, we got a phone call from SAN DIEGO with a reference of some cousins of a member there. and we found them! and they came with us to the baptism. when you are willing and able to work, God will keep piling it on and then proceed to give you the strength to support it all and complete it successfully. and that is whats happening here. we have so many investigators and so many people to help in just a short amount of time. i think i might love the mission too much. once you know how to serve in one area, your time always ends there! but i still feel like i have lots of time left, so dont worry haha im not coming home just yet.
So, remember who you are, where you came from, and where you are going. each day of your life should begin and end with God.
love you! do your part!
love, hna zimmerman
heres a pic of all the zone leaders and sister training leaders from the mish and our cute president and his wife!!! President and Sister Morales.
Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders for the whole Mission. |
Look for us in the next Church Magazine.
Hermanas Wonnacott, Lazaro and Vega.
Elders Fitzpatrick, Hernandez, Herrera and Hernandez.
Hermana Wonnacott |