Monday, March 2, 2015

16 Months

The best baptisms are part member baptisms. where theres a family member that has been inactive for years, and their spouse and children accept the gospel later on. it completes so many promises and so many prayers are answered. even better when they have waited so long for the SISTER missionaries to touch their hearts. Karla and Abraham! the ward is trusting us more and more little by little, after our first 2 weeks opening the area, they have started helping us out and getting involved, and now they know that we are NOT here to mess around. 

please share the gospel. if its changed your life, be a little courteous and let it change the lives of others. ESPECIALLY the people that you love! 

think back to your own baptism! think about the love and security you felt! and now transfer it to all others. its the best way to show the Lord that you love Him.

also, im in the ward Aeropuerto. which means airport. which means yes the airport is in my area. which means all day the planes and helicopters fly over us. classic. i counted 15 pass over us before 9 am. and they fly super close. 

if you havent served a mission yet, i highly advise you to do so!

ALSO did everyone know that March is the month of gratitude? be grateful!
im grateful for nice taxi drivers even in dangerous places
im grateful for a breeze when its blazing hot outside
im grateful for all the members that tell us we need to gain weight and feed us everytime we are in their homes. 
be grateful!

love, hermana zimmerman

first baptisms together with my New Companion. 2nd week in Carmen and first sunday together! 
the sun is wayyy strong here. every morning when we go outside it feels like the beach is just around the corner! but we live in the middle of the island. love it. 

Karla and Abraham

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